10 Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

10 Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

Jogging is a type of aerobic exercise that gets energy from the combination of using oxygen with blood sugar or body fat. Healthy jogging that everyone can do easily and without requiring a lot of money and does not need special equipment, only shoes, time, can be anywhere and enthusiastic. The right exercise can be in the morning and evening, there is no difference.

Broadly speaking, the benefits of jogging or running in the morning are physically strengthening, mentally beneficial (relieving stress), supporting the health of the cardiovascular system, improving heart and lung health conditions. 

The difference between jogging and running is only in the intensity where running requires more work from the heart, lungs and body muscles, according to your ability. Starting from jogging, the body's resistance increases and becomes a running routine.

Before discussing which, one is more beneficial for the body between running in the morning or evening. Interesting enough, to listen to some facts and myths that need to be known.

Myth or Facts

There are many myths or facts when doing jogging or running, the following may help explain them and you may draw conclusions:

~Running does not benefit the knee.
It cannot be justified if there are things that say things like this and include myths. Running or jogging can injure joints, especially in the knee. You have to know where your abilities are and do the intensity well and regularly. 
Research says that running sports actually makes you avoid problems with injury to the knee and makes it more relaxed.

~No need to wear shoes
Wearing shoes is a must to protect our feet, use shoes that are comfortable for us when running or jogging. Maybe not many realize that the use of shoes also affects the benefits we can get from jogging. 

The older the shoes are, it's not good for our feet. We recommend that you replace your running shoes with new ones after traveling a distance of approximately 500-800 (km) because the shoes have lost their shock absorption when walking and increase the risk of lower back pain.

~ Carbohydrates are very good and useful for running or jogging.
But the thing that must be considered is the time to eat and the portions must also be adjusted. Consuming lots of carbohydrates increases glycogen in muscles which is the main energy source. So that it supports power in a longer time. Whole grain bread, rice, or other high-quality carbohydrate sources will be effective.

Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

Jogging sports bring great benefits?

1. Spur enthusiasm and as a way of releasing positive stress
Routine jogging when you are in trouble can build mental toughness. Running and jogging also triggers the release of endorphins by the body, resulting in a feeling of excitement similar to euphoria when finished running. Increased mood as a result of the release of endorphins is useful for reducing stress. 

During jogging, you can forget about problems for some time when you feel stressed, so that it can improve your mood. If you want to try this one sport, start slowly, then gradually increase the intensity of the exercise for optimal results.

2. Make changes to the brain
When jogging, a person must be focused and have high determination to never give up on muscle fatigue and other obstacles so that this trains mentally and can increase self-confidence because the brain and mind relax. 

This mental exercise to stay focused and never give up causes changes in the brain. Experts have found that jogging is linked to self-control and learning memory and is believed to have benefits for fostering new brain cells. Exercise is one of the factors associated with the growth of new neurons in the brain or neurogenesis.

Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

3. Train yourself to become a habit to become responsibility
When you share your sports activities on Instagram or other social media and with the struggle to get up early just to run and fight for your health, this proves that you are a person who is responsible for your own health and indirectly invites other people too. 

If you often share a lot of what you do on social media, this is not bad. Especially positive things like sports. What you do will eventually become a habit and responsibility, so you commit to doing it regularly.

4. Increase the ability of the immune system
Implementing a healthy lifestyle is a difficult thing to do. But, with you running regularly in the morning, the chance of getting it will be greater. Jogging can strengthen the body's response to disease. 

This applies to short-term diseases such as upper respiratory infections, and long-term diseases such as diabetes. Not only that, this activity stimulates the production of lymphocytes and macrophages that fight infections in the body, including bacterial or viral infections.

 Read also 10 Manfaat Jogging, Lari Pagi dan Sore serta Mitos nya 

5. Lose weight
Jogging not only burns fat, it also helps maintain weight. Routine jogging every day can help prevent overweight or obesity. Half an hour of jogging in the morning can burn about 300 calories.

Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

6. Avoid the risk of chronic disease
By regularly doing cardio exercise such as jogging, you can avoid various chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and several types of cancer.

7. Build respiratory system health
Jogging can increase lung capacity and strengthen the muscles in the respiratory system. By jogging, the lungs will take in more oxygen and remove carbon dioxide efficiently.

8. Improve cholesterol levels in the body
Jogging helps keep your blood pressure stable, and controls cholesterol levels, as well as blood glucose. This cardio exercise is very good for improving heart health and preventing heart disorders or diseases.

9. Keeping away from diabetes by lowering insulin
According to research results, regular jogging can reduce insulin resistance. The strength of INSULIN is one of the early-stage markers of diabetes sufferers. Cells in the body do not respond to insulin or the hormones that control blood sugar levels.

Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths

10. Prevent osteoporosis  and maintain a healthy spine
Jogging is a weight bearing exercise (while holding body weight) with repeated impact (impact) is a better choice to improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis. Between the vertebrae located on the back, there are flexible protective pads called discs. 

This section is actually a fluid-filled sac that can shrink with age, especially if you lead a relatively sedentary life. By jogging, you will maintain the size and flexibility of the disc. Weight bearing and impact exercises are very good for maintaining bone density, especially in the lower body.

Hopefully  article 10 Benefits of jogging, running in the morning and evening and its myths will increase the spirit of the brothers and sisters in maintaining health. 

Thank you.



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