clear sign getting older |
What is a clear sign of you getting older?
Answer- answer:
- Loving those that matter and keeping my private life private
- Getting pains mostly all extremities, slow in walking and hard to climb the stairs ,easy to tired
Back pain and getting grumpy
- Picking and choosing my battles, less patience for people’s. my effective way of cutting a person with words and then leaving them to blend out
- Sore knees, but also gratitude for making it over ever hurdle so far and still being around to complain about sore knees.
- I got extremely excited because I found a circular piece of rubber and my better half told me it was a belt to fix the washing machine
- Just not having the energy to do things you used to. Value what sleep I can get immensely.
- Not being able to read labels in the supermarket, joint pain, not caring so much what others think and finally dumping my bra because it is so darn uncomfortable
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- Not caring about what people think at all. No patience with people with no common sense, aches and pains that comes with aging
- Knowing the worth of silence, No one can ruin my life because I keep being private person one of sign of you getting older
- Not sweating the small thing because you realize things work out regardless
Put my family on top of the list, be more grateful of what I have, don’t care
what people think about me, and don’t like loud music/noises as much as I used
- Can stay alone happily, who comes or goes doesn’t matter at all, I believe in my own instinct not on other’s opinion
- Permanently unimpressed by a lot of shit and understanding that people always and in every situation, use you for their own benefit. They never change, only reacting under different circumstances. Take care of you and your family
- Let’s see, my knees, my lower back, my shoulder and my vision, high cholesterol, insulin resistant, hypoglycemia and the list keep going.
- I can’t climb trees like I used to, my legs get shaky when I climb higher and losing some of my teeth
- Observing people around me in silence hoe genuine they are, learned my past mistakes and promise to myself never do it again
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- That your knees hurt when the weather is gonna get colder
- Being kind and patient, not like before easy angered
- Appreciate the little things that is her and now and looking forward to seeing what is beyond the great unknow
- I don’t care what others think about me, just live my own life
- Physical limitations but the brain still works fine
- Simply enjoying healthy food, coffee and chat with friends unlike when we were younger, we hike, trek, go to the beach being loud whenever and wherever, enjoying any and very food we can have especially the fatty ones not thinking about cholesterol and sugar
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