What inventions most affect your daily life?

What inventions most affect your daily life?
inventions most affect your daily life?

What inventions most affect your daily life?

There are countless inventions that have improved people live. Great minds often tend to change the whole world with just one invention or no minds we would still be sitting by a candle and writing a letter to get in touch.

But the negative of technology is making people more and more lazy and people are getting laid off their jobs. Man, sense of humanity and compassion has been lost through technology in all areas of life.

Inventions affect daily life:

- Without a doubt is social media

- Cell phones that do anything other than phone cells. Testing is causing loss of verbal communication, texting while driving it is reality causes many accidents, the camera led to abominable selfie and food pictures. The phone part was good. If you need a computer, go home to the office or the library

- I agree with social media, but I think the internet changed all of us. Too many people with wrong bad and evil influence on our society

- Religion

- Vaccine

- Guns

- Television

- Nuclear bomb

- Drugs, so many lives were ruined. Especially the kids. So sad to see them waste their lives just for it

- The computer, it was supposed to set us free but enslaved us instead

- Vaping, it is gotten too many young people on it

- No invention does harm. That is up to humans

- Cell phones have alienated, killed and hurt people

- Social media, people just have no filter or decency sometimes. It is sad, and bleeds in to the real world

- The assault rifles. Hunting rifle I understand but AK 15 no

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- Phones kids carry around all the time and do not listen when someone tries to tell them something

- Technology, especially with the very young. Children need to try to carry on a somewhat decent conversation instead of being glued to a tech device

- Technology in general. It is intrusive to our lives. Some things are greats to have, other not so much

- Mankind because that is where everything else started

- Being to kind and giving others but I do not know how to not care. So, I keep working

- Illegal drugs, ruined so many lives

- Plastic, anything that made in plastic

Social media, long ago, Karen’s existed but nobody knew about them. We lived peacefully. Then social media showed us the sad reality. Karen’s live among us and it stresses us as we live in the fear of having an encounter with that irritating species

- The www= world wide web of evil

- I phone, video games, one of greatest inventions ever, in the end it will destroy the world by ending most personal interactions

- Camera in a phone. Everyone thinks they are photograph or model

- The internet it is the devil’s tool

- The invention that humans are superior to animals. Yes, humans are unique in the animal world but not superior

- Facebook, it pits people against each other and if you end up in FB jail you have opportunity to plead your case

- Technology as kids are not playing outside anymore and they are totally dependent on it needs to go back to the old ways

- Organized religion, one of the biggest cause of lives lost to war and terrorism for 100’s of years

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Human emotion has been replaced with false imagery. Pray tell have you done this. What did you find is funding this anti patent movement. Like destructive creation refers to circumstances in which innovation result in more damage to the economy that beneficial outcomes

Terimakasih, thank you, danke schoon, maulate

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